Versa-View Mobile X-Ray Barrier

Versa-View Mobile X-Ray Barrier

This attractive mobile x-ray barrier shield provides full-body protection for the operator.


Easy mobility of this 73″x30″ barrier panel is provided by smooth rolling multi-directional locking casters.

The mobile shield is constructed with our unique two layer sandwiched design for strength and rigidity. Two 1/32” lead liners (1.55mm lead) minimum thickness is centered between the walls for a total thickness of 1.5″.

Each screen has a built in 8”x10” lead glass window (minimum 1.9mm lead equivalency). The window is centered in the panel with its center 60” above the floor.

Quality Heavy duty construction will provide long lasting durability even while under heavy use.
Lead window specs:

Thickness: 5/16″ +(7.0mm to 8.5mm)

Lead Content: 55% to 65% Pb

Lead Equiv.(mm) nominal: 1.9mm to 2.4mm

Lead Equiv.(in) nominal: .0625″ to .094″

Lbs. lead equiv./ft’ (Range): 4.0 to 6.0 Lead Equiv

Weight – Lbs. / ft2 (Approx.): 8.0+ with +/- 0.5mm

Cutting Size Tolerance (in): +/-1/8″ (0.125″)

Standard Edgework: Seamed

*Higher Lead Shielding Levels Available Upon Request


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