If you were waiting for the DR prices to drop as the next generation DR flat panel technology is introduced, it just happened. The lowest priced next generation digital technology is here. This cutting edge DR-wizard technology is so revolutionary that it is considered the end game to all digital imaging technologies. 

Now you can have all the benefits a TRUE DR FLAT PANEL SYSTEM has to offer plus the convenience of receiving and transmitting x-ray images wirelessly within seconds from anywhere in your facility or in the field at the COST OF A CONVENTIONAL LOW PRICED CR SYSTEM!

When you purchase the new DR-wizard for your new or replacement digital system three things will happen, you will be increasing your bottom line FOR THE LONG TERM FUTURE, plus saving time while increasing your image quality. Now that’s a statement of Value you can hang your hat on.

The DR- wizard comes with many advanced
features and benefits. Some of the features include: Wireless (no connection to
a computer necessary), WiFi connectivity (Connect to a tablet for easy viewing
away from your computer, Water-Resistant (Animal urine and spills will not
damage the panel), Shock-Resistant (Drop tested from waist high), Long-Lasting
Lithium Ion Battery, and Internal Storage for capturing images in the field
without a computer.

The DR- wizard retails around the prices of CR Systems and comes complete with computer and veterinary software. The
return on investment is clear once a veterinarian factors in film and chemical
costs, maintenance costs, time spent processing x-rays, the time, inconvenience
and potential liability in filing hard copies of radiographs and space requirements
in the facility.